Arrived in time to visited the Wildlife Center in Franz Josef.
Franz Josef Glacier
March 3, 2016
60% Humidity
This center is dedicated to preserving the Kiwi bird. It's a bird but through evolution it lost its wings.
The Kiwi is the national bird. It was on the verge of extinction due to the introduction of the Stout (weasel) which was intended to control the rabbit population.

They tried and failed to find a way to control or eradicate the Stout so now they incubate the eggs, then take the chicks to a predator free island. After they grow up they are transferred to the main island.
Fun Fact #1
The Kiwi is the same size as a chicken; however, the Kiwi egg is about 5 times larger.
Except for the Vulture, the Kiwi has the most sensitive smell of all other birds. I find this fascinating because its nostrils are at the end of its beak and it forages for bugs by sticking its beak deep in the dirt. I don't know about you but I have trouble keeping my nose clean above the ground.
Fun Fact #2
Full Disclosure
Since Kiwis were getting decimated by predators during the day they now only come out at night. Inside the Wildlife place we had to enter a very dark room, wait for our eyes to adjust, then search for the 2 Kiwis.

It was like being in a pitch black room and seeing moving shadows. I swear I saw one rustling in the ground in front of me but it could have been the ghost of my dead cat Puncher.
March 4, 2016
55% Humidity
Mostly Cloudy
Barbara is excited to hold a baby Kiwi.
Barbara never did get to cuddle a baby Kiwi.
There must be at least 4 different companies flying helicopters to the glacier. They land one block from town center and make a constant racket. I don't know how the towns people stand the noise.

This picture shows 3 of the 5 helicopters getting ready to lift off.
So, we decided when in helicopter hell, take a helicopter ride.
We flew the blue route.
The best part about this adventure was we got to land on the glacier.
The worst part was the inability to capture the amazing view from the fly over which would show what a glacier really looks like. I was disappointed they didn't take video for us.

Of course, I took a hundred photographs but none do this experience justice.
Watch out Barb.

Don't fall in that crevasse.
After refueling, we decided to get a closer look at the glacier.
Our first look as we broke out of the rain forest.
We're getting closer.
Is this as close as we can get?
Hey, that's just a cardboard ranger. I can get closer.
In 2008 Barb would be buried in the glacier .
1. Annual snow fall is 16 m.

2. Flow rate is 1.5 to 7 m per day

3. Surrounding mountain: Conway Peak 2,901 m
Driving Update
Barbara has been freaking out because I drive to close to objects on the left hand side. What do you thing?
Boring Facts
This sign indicates there is a one lane bridge ahead.

The black arrow assigns right away to the cars going in that direction.

The red arrow says yield to cars on or about to enter the bridge from the other direction.

These one lane bridges are pervasive especially in rural areas. They work well except in those cases when you can't see the other end of the bridge. OOOPs